Ongoing training is paramount for the overall success of your EMR implementation. To effectively leverage voice recognition software, custom training is an absolute requirement. Our team has extensive experience in customized training programs for individual clinicians as well as small or large groups.
Clinical Documentation
Clinical documentation must be a concise clinical plan written for future reference by the author and guidance for future clinical providers. At the same time it needs to be understandable for patients providing assessment /treatment strategies and future health guidance for patients when beyond the exam room walls. All of this must be achieved in a matter of minutes; a monumental task to achieve if not leveraging automation and voice recognition. Our training programs focus on utilizing voice recognition software to help achieve your goal of consistently excellent clinical documentation and minimizing administrative burden.
Our team has successfully developed strategies to compose complete clinical documentation in the minimal possible time, leveraging template optimization and Voice recognition.
The training program we will develop for you is customized to the individual user and laser-focused on what they need to know.
MDs & DOs
NPs & PAs
Residents & Fellows
Social Workers & Case Managers
“You don’t need to know 100% of your EMR 10% of the time, you need to know 10% of your EMR 100% of the time.” - MedicaScribe
We offer new user, advanced user, small group training and train the trainer packages.