We recognize you've made a significant investment in your EMR and supporting tools such as voice recognition to drive up efficiency. Our marketing program will ensure that your clinicians will recognize the opportunity to leverage the amazing tools you've made available to them on a daily basis.
Software solution continuum.
As we all know, the rollout of a software package is the smallest component in the “software solution continuum.” The lions share of implementing a successful software “Solution” lies within internal marketing and engagement, culminating in efficient and customized training of your staff. Without engagement you wont achieve end-user satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Turnkey marketing resource packages.
MedicaScribe offers turnkey internal marketing resource packages to drive clinicians’ interest in learning more about EHR efficiency and leveraging Voice recognition in their daily practice.
Simplified access to 1:1 training opportunities
Promotional videos
Promotional gifts
Promotional giveways
Performance recognition programs