Make Your EMR Go-live a Leap Forward
Seamless adoption of a new EMR must be accompanied by a robust execution of voice recognition technology, streamlining clinician workflows. Empower efficient patient care through accurate dictation, intuitive commands, and improved documentation. While at the same time relieving clinician's of administrative burden, maximizing clinician satisfaction with your EMR transition. Assuring a true leap forward from where you stood yesterday.
Our approach to a tailored optimization
Being clinician based and focused, we recognize how customization/optimization of your EMR saves time and money. A well implemented Voice Recognition tool is indisputably the number one application that clinicians should be using to ensure a better work / life balance, clinician well-being and in some cases extend careers. MedicaScribe’s value added approach is to provide guidance and ongoing support to both small and large Healthcare Systems, services previously only afforded to large Healthcare institutions.
Ongoing training is paramount for the overall success of your EMR implementation. To effectively leverage voice recognition software, custom training is an absolute requirement. Our team has extensive experience in customized training programs for individual clinicians as well as small or large groups.
MDs & DOs
NPs & PAs
Residents & Fellows
Social Workers & Case Managers
We offer new user, advanced user, small group training and train the trainer packages.
Clinician satisfaction metrics
Reduction in clinician attrition
Documentation quality
Reduction in revenue cycle time
More complete documentation to maximize billing
Comprehensive training solutions.
We offer comprehensive training solutions to organizations who have minimal technical resources, previously only accessible to large organizations.
Leveraging existing resources.
We will leverage voice recognition management consoles to evaluate performance analytics and work with your Customer Service Executive, to analyze current utilization and identify opportunities to maximize utilization.
Evaluate clinician workstations to ensure optimal performance.
A common denominator for inefficient EMR usage and low adoption of voice recognition is poorly configured and under performing workstations; an oversight of many organizations small and large that results in poor technology performance which equates to clinician frustration. We'll partner with your IT department to implement performance enhancement strategies that set the bar for clinician expectations.
How can WE help?
Our dedicated team of experts are ready to assist you with all your EMR/voice recognition needs. get in touch with us for more information: